Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation

Fernando Robledo


Title: Initial experience with intragastric balloon lexbal ® in the treatment of patients with mild to moderate obesity (Type I-II)

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Amnah Alhanaee

Mercy University Hospital, Ireland

Title: Comparison of magnetic resonance enterography and video capsule endoscopy in established crohn’s disease and or suspected small bowel crohn’s disease

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Alanoud Alhamed

University of UAE, UAE

Title: Prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome among physicians and interns taking overnight shift in Jeddah

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

T A Gamal Eldin,

Dammam University, Saudi Arabia

Title: Effects of propolis supplementation in rats with L-arginine acute pancreatitis

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Mohamad A Omar

Sohag University, Egypt

Title: Endoscopic papillary large balloon dilation versus endoscopic sphincterotomy for retrieval of large choledocholithiasis: A prospective randomized trial

Biography Abstract