Cosimo Alex Leo
St. Mark’s Hospital Academic Institute, UK
Title: A single Institute’ experience with Single Port Laparoscopic Surgery (SPLS) for complex Crohn’s disease
Biography: Cosimo Alex Leo
Single Port Laparoscopic Surgery (SPLS) is a technique which is increasing in popularity. The benefit of SPLS in complex Crohn’s disease (CD), which includes a significant cohort of young patients sometimes needing multiple operations, has not been comprehensively assessed. This study analyses our experience with this technique.
Patients who underwent SPLS for CD were included. Data were collected prospectively from January 2013 to December 2015. Ileocolic resections, right hemicolectomy, small bowel stricturoplasties and resections were included in the complex CD cohort. Primary and re-do operations were analysed separately.
Seventy-five patients were included in the study: (59 ileocolic resections, 16 small bowel stricturoplasty/resections). Of the total, 41 were primary resections and 34 were re-do resections. The median age was 39 years (Range 14 years – 74 years), and the median hospital stay was 7 days (Range - 3 days – 28 days). The total complication rate was 31.5% most of which were Clavien-Dindo type 1 and 2. There was no difference in operating time, average blood loss, conversion rates, complication rate and hospital stay, between those who had primary or redo surgery.
In our experience SPLS can be performed safely in patients with complex Crohn’s disease even in redo surgery. There may be some technical advantages to the procedure in this group of patients