Gouda Ellabban
Suez Canal University
Gouda Ellabban is currently Professor of Surgery. His PhD is from the University of Birmingham UK in Hepatobiliary Surgery. He previously served as Head of the Emergency medicine Department at Suez Canal University Hospital. Ellabban brings experiences from various fields such as Hepatobiliary Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery and Emergency medicine. In his capacity in Hepatobiliary Surgery, he served as a head of Laparoscopic Unit. He served as a member in a major international project funded by the European Commission in Medical Informatics. Throughout his career, Ellabban has published many research studies in international journals and conferences. Part of his professional service is reviewing manuscripts and proposals for international journals with high impact factors, in addition to coordinating many conferences of Surgery and Laparoscopy. His main research interests are Hepatobiliary and Laparoscopic Surgery. His work at the SCU Hospital involves teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students and training postgraduates on operative maneuvers
Research Interest
His main research interests are Hepatobiliary and Laparoscopic Surgery.