Hameed Ur Rehman Habib Ur Rehman, Areeb Khan
Chesterfield Royal Hospital, UK
Title: Parsonage-Turner syndrome due to Acute Hepatitis E infection
Biography: Hameed Ur Rehman Habib Ur Rehman, Areeb Khan
We report a case of a 59-year-old male, with no past medical history and foreign travel, who presented with a 1 week history of left arm weakness and numbness followed by an inability to contract his biceps for duration of 48 hours. These symptoms occurred after eating Pork Ribs at a local restaurant 2 weeks ago. On presentation, he was jaundiced and his liver function tests demonstrated a hepatitis-like picture. He had a positive hepatitis E PCR result. His diagnosis was brachial neuritis secondary to acute hepatitis E infection. Viral hepatitis E infection has been reported in 10% of patients with brachial neuritis. According to the most recent case report, an article published in April 2017 in the Journal of NeuroVirology, only 9 such cases have been reported in the UK. We therefore possibly reported the 10th case of hepatitis E associated brachial neuritis in the UK in a non-immunocompromised patient without any past medical history. This case again reminds us to consider hepatitis E infection in a patient presenting with neurological signs and deranged liver function tests.