Sibithooran K
Institute of Medical Gastroenterology, India
Title: ERCP for pancreatic diseases: Experience in our tertiary care center
Biography: Sibithooran K
Aims: To retrospectively analyze the indications and the success rates of the ERCP procedures done for pancreatic diseases in our tertiary care center.
Materials & Methods: All the patients who underwent ERCP procedure for pancreatic diseases during August 2015 to July 2017 were included in the study and the details were analyzed.
Results: A total of 83 patients underwent ERCP for pancreatic diseases. The indications were symptomatic pancreatic pseudocysts (21), symptomatic pancreatic duct strictures in CCP (17), Intra ductal calculi (15), Pancreatic ductal leak with pancreatic ascites (12), pancreatic divisum with F/O CCP (11) and Traumatic pancreatitis (7). About 15 Patients of Pseudocysts, 14 with pancreatic ductal strictures, 9 with intra ductal calculi, 8 with pancreatic duct leaks eventually required surgical intervention either due to failed procedure or persistent symptoms. However, among the 18 patients who had pancreatic divisum and traumatic pancreatitis only two ended up requiring surgical intervention with 16 of them being successfully treated with ERCP.
Discussion: ERCP’s main benefit is the minimally invasive nature in the management of pancreatic and biliary diseases. However, the complex nature of the technique demands a long learning curve. ERCP is done increasingly for pancreatic diseases in our centre and the results are very encouraging especially pancreatic divisum and traumatic pancreatitis where the cure rate approaches 90%. There is a 66% cure rate among the patients who have pancreatic ductal leaks with pancreatic ascites. Among the other indications for ERCP in pancreatic diseases the cure rates are less than 40% and most of them required a surgery at the end.
Conclusion: ERCP proved to be an effective minimally invasive technique among patients who had pancreatic divisum and traumatic pancreatitis.
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